Proliner del usuario PRODIM Nautilux Custom Canvas

Nautilux saved time using the Proliner for creating a digital template of this complex EZ2CY enclosure

Custom marine canvas shop Nautilux specializes in the design and fabrication of quality custom canvas for both Sail and Power Boats, ranging in size from 15′ to 150′. They have over 20 years in the marine industry and serve the Jersey Shore as well as the Lower New York Harbor and surrounding area.

Darren Arthur from Nautilux Custom Canvas: «Recently we fabricated a full EZ2CY enclosure with the two aft panels in a .40 ga. Soft vinyl.  This job had a lot of complexity to it with regards to pipes coming through the enclosure in several locations along with the rocket launches on the back.  All of the enclosure is a track to tack with a couple of snaps on the aft corner.

We used our Proliner to create digital templates for this complex enclosure and used it for production. We are very happy to work with the Proliner and the time savings it is providing us!»


Nautilux Custom Canvas website