Proliner del usuario PRODIM Granite Source

Granite Source admits that the Proliner has already paid itself

Kevin Nesbitt with Granite Source, Inc. in Chantilly, VA just completed a day of Proliner training at our Fort Pierce, FL training facility. Granite Source purchased their Proliner 7 CS Series a few months ago and has been using it, but Kevin admits to gaining valuable insight and tips during his training session which will make using the Proliner even more efficient.

Founded in 1999, Granite Source is a high end custom stone shop serving Northern VA and the Washington DC area.  Kevin told us that their Proliner has already paid for itself on several complex jobs that were accurately done the first time using the Proliner. He will go back home with additional knowledge to apply. So whether you are new Proliner owner or just need a refresher course, contact us for the training opportunities.


Granite Source website